Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Love is blind...and mute...and dumb

Falling in love sounds like a good thing, if you can handle the negative cash flow and the raging hormone.

In most cases, 'falling' is the most descriptive word for this self-inflicted human condition. Falling in love not only makes people fall out of any good sense, in my limited sampling, people who claimed to be falling in love…., well, their IQ points immediately dropped 50%. Falling in love make the people in the passion of it blind, mute and dumb.

Don’t believe me? Show me a couple crazy in love that will buy an insurance policy to compensate themselves in case their ‘undying’ love for each other meets its eventual, fatal reality check. Falling in love soon turns into failing in love, and ends with fighting in hate. Yes, yes, there are enduring examples of falling in love, but I can count them with my fingers.

Falling in love, may just be the biggest trick that has been played on the human specie to ensure the survival of our human kind.