Friday, March 31, 2006

Aliens here to stay, legal or not.

How is cutting in line fair to the ones already waiting in line?

Just like if I sneak into a movie theater without paying, I deserve to get kicked out if am caught, no matter how hard I worked to get inside.

The real problem is in Washinton D.C. with the endless immigration laws and the malfunctioning, turtle-speed of the INS administration.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Day of Great Joy! 喜極日

Love Beyond 永世愛相隨

Forever Love Affair Beyond Love Ever So Unfair...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Design and text by Jammy Yen




掛名牌是公告命名的木牌,高1.5米左右,牌上標明了團團、圓圓的出生年月及地點,兩隻大熊貓的特點和中選的經過。雄貓熊命名 “圓圓”,雌貓熊命名 “團團”。 大家一本正經在舉行儀式,主角團團圓圓卻在一英呎厚的雪地玩得不亦樂乎,身上都是雪花。



  • 擔任團圓友好使者
  • 代表大陸祖國前往寶島,表達十三億民眾心意。
  • 體現大陸同胞對台灣同胞的骨肉親情
  • 在台灣傳宗接代,繁衍貓熊



Sunday, March 26, 2006

Be well * 安好

This is for all the people who had already left me behind, and for those that I will have to leave behind someday.

Friday, March 24, 2006


  • 死神伸手來邀舞
  • 你沒有權力拒絕
  • 只好漫漫長日陪著暴君起舞
  • 沒有韻律
  • 沒有音樂
  • 只有不斷不斷不斷不斷
  • 死神不肯停不肯停
  • 累得你再也沒力氣舉手抬足
  • 沒力氣吸進一口氣
  • 也許是神意
  • 你終於掙脫了死神之掌
  • 你總算可以回到舞精靈的曼妙世界去
  • 永遠 玩 耍 輕 歌 曼 舞
  • 空 留 世 人 幾 多 惆 悵



Pizza to Pixar

朋友來電說,他正在研究 PIZZA ,我當然要詳細問一下,以示關心:你是在研究什麼披薩口味最好吃、最受歡迎嗎?

朋友說,咦?他們也有生產吃的嗎?什麼時候的事情?我怎麼都沒聽說。我只知道他們生產過 超人特攻隊海底總動員怪獸電力公司蟲蟲危機,這些應該都不能吃吧?


Monday, March 20, 2006

Despair to Hope 絕望爾希望

What today means.

After three years of sacrifice in the desert,

how much more despair can we take?

SPRING is officially here today.
Let us hope to turn a new leaf on peace.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

翻譯遊戲第二場: 決定不下 Undecided

I am undecided about the Chinese equivalent of this not-really poem. How would you translate this babble into Chinese? Let's play again.


Smile or frown

Laugh or pout
Lips curve up or down

Eyes dry or flood
Ears open or shut
Tongue wagging or still

Hands open or close
Legs firm or wobbly

Heart sings or curses
Life dances or spins
. . .Should I keep babbling or quit now?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Google Heaven, Beta Version 1.0

God is very busy these days with too many world problems to solve. We know. That's why so many personal prayers are unanswered. Many inquiries are stuck in the Heavenly customer service department going nowhere since the Holy computer system upstairs is always working overtime and running out of memory space.

So God decided to empower Google yet a higher level of awesomeness, with a security clearance almost as high as V.P. Chaney, allowing the mere mortals to search the databases in Heaven to their hearts' content.

You can Google and search for useful information about the eternal vacation paradise. Better yet, you can find video clips of all your past memories. Or, just simply start Google chatting with your loved ones that have moved to heaven.

I am ready to Google Heaven, are you?

Google 天堂(測試版 1.0)


所以上帝授旨意,賜加 Google 更高竿的驚人神力,授與 Google 安全機密-程度差不多可比錢副總,世間凡人至 Google 就可以盡情搜尋天堂各大資料庫‧

利用 Google 天堂搜尋,你可以找到有用的永恆休假聖地資訊‧更棒的是,你可以尋到所有過去記憶庫中的動畫‧你喜歡的話,還可以開啟免費 Google 對談,直接跟已經搬去天堂居住的親友嘰哩呱啦大聊特聊‧

我想 Google 天堂,你呢?

Monday, March 13, 2006

Where to next? 下一站去哪?

咕咯一聲 上 火 星!

*Snowfall*下雪 *

Falling snow 雪飄飄 white snow*白雪
downy flakes*雪絨絨
feathery snow*雪如白羽
snowflake*雪花 fluffy snow*鬆花雪
Snow White*白雪公主
Dancing snow*雪紛飛舞
wintry*如在冬季 snow season*雪季
summer snow*夏日雪
White Christmas*白色耶誕
slush snow*雪化水 sludge snow*雪爛泥
snow shower*雪雨 frost*冰霜 hail*冰雹
black ice*暗冰 heavy snow*大雪
*icy snow*冰雪*sleet*冰雪雨
blizzard*大風雪*snow storm*暴風雪
Ice storm*冰風暴
*white out*白雪茫茫 *snowblind*雪盲
blinding snow 蔽目大雪
*snow in*雪封 * snow-bound*雪中困
Avalanche*雪崩* snow under*雪底埋
Snow stopped*雪停了 *

Friday, March 10, 2006

三月似雪 Like Snow in March

Spring thunder icy snow ※ White jade crystal covered all


California spring has gone wild. Snowing hail in March.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

English Translation Game 遊戲英譯

Translate the following title into English:
The answer has come to be:
"Writing words with careful thoughts;
Reading books in endless time."
The new game is to improve on this translation.
New version no. 1:
Write with careful thoughts. Read into endless time.
New version no. 2:
Write careful words ※ Read forever books.
Other versions from player no. 1- R.J.
Writing with careful consideration. Reading for an endless quest.
Player no. 2 -Stone
Carefully Writing; Everlasting Books.
Player no. 3 -B.
Written words, carefully measured
Amidst composition...days, months it endures.
Thank you for playing along!

Public Service Announcement 良心呼籲

The more you smoke, the sooner to death's door.

If you must smoke, at least do it without sharing.



Monday, March 06, 2006

Why I Write 寫為何來

※ ※ ※
Writing heals my soul. When I am happy or sad I write. When I am angry or hurt I write.

Reading & writing as my refuge, into which I escape to lick my wound. When I think about just giving up on life, I write. When I face fight or freight I write.

I write what I feel; I feel what I write. The more emotional I become, the more I write. It is a way to serenity and sanity, better than shedding tears. If I don't write happy thoughts and record the irony of my life, I will not survive for sure.

The reward I gain in return when I write is far more than I can imagine. It's a comforting feeling to know that I am still connected with my inspiration, graced by whoever is residing upstairs. Thank you! I am able to write.

Every time I write, knowing you are out there. I no longer feel alone! Thank you; thank you, my friends, whoever you are.

※ ※ ※

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

來點顏色瞧瞧 ◎ Eyeing for Colors

Colors of the New West
新 西 方 色 彩

Color swatches of
“From the House of Benedict, Tradition as Chic”
( NY Times, February 19, 2006, Sunday)
「傳統領潮流」採色樣 (見下文)

Colors of the Ancient East
古 東 方 色 彩

Fabric swatches from a private cloth collection.
